Ideas management

Ideas management = Creativity management

In today’s global markets businesses need creativity. If they do not have it their competitors will prevail.

Simpris allows you to store your ideas without clogging up other management information systems. A special place for ideas. We call it idea management.

Ideas from your staff should be treated like assets. Every idea means that a member of your staff has thought about the future of the organisation and its products and services. Also how they and you can develop the organisation and its products and services.

We think that ideas management is the same as creativity management. For all of the threats facing your organisation, it may be that your staff on the ground have thought of answers. But how would you know? With Simpris you find out.

Ideas management shows that your organisation listens to its staff and takes their ideas seriously. This can play a tremendous role in motivating them.

Simpris allows staff to save their ideas in a structured way. Create a project and save idea in it, or save the idea in an existing project.

Inventory of ideas

By storing ideas, Simpris builds an inventory of ideas for you.

Develop your ideas

With ideas visible to everyone, including organisational leaders, they can be examined and developed into projects or tasklists within projects. An idea can even be developed into an entire programme.

The bigger your organisation the more you need ideas management. The more distant you are from your operational staff and their ideas. The more your management team needs a tool to help them listen. With Simpris we mean to help.